How to Save Money on Air Conditioning Greenwood IN

by | Apr 7, 2014 | Heating and Cooling

Running an air conditioning Greenwood IN unit is no cheap affair. With a little efficiency tips however, you can be able to save on those bills and ensure that you don’t have to pay as much at the end of the month. A good place to start is by adjusting the thermostat. For this, you will need a programmable thermostat that will allow you to set the temperature that you actually need, and make savings at the same time. During the day, 78degrees will be just fine. You can also sacrifice on a couple of degrees during the night to make additional savings. You would be surprised at the difference this little action actually makes on your utility bills.

It is also a good idea to have an annual check-up of your unit to ensure that it is running at maximum efficiency. A central air unit especially requires checkups to ensure that it is working appropriately during both the cooling and heating seasons. A professional will be able to diagnose any problems and inefficiencies long before you receive a huge power bill. You can also get further advice on how to make additional savings by having a professional look at your unit.

Cleaning the air filter is also a good idea when trying to cut back on power usage. A dirty filter leads to an inefficient system. This means that the system will need to take up more energy to perform the same function. The air filter needs to be checked and replaced every three months to ensure that the system is running at peak efficiency.

Lastly, choose a system that works for your specific needs, preferably a smaller system. A window air conditioning unit for example is a great choice for cooling just one room. A central air system may not always be your best option, as it is often more expensive and less efficient than the latter. Try to analyze your specific heating and cooling needs and choose one that is most suited to your specific needs. For more information on this, as well as installation and repair of air conditioning Greenwood IN,



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