Preventative Dental Care Is Crucial for a Lifetime of Excellent Oral Health

by | Mar 31, 2016 | Dentistry

Preventative dental care for a lifetime of good oral health starts when patients are young. Care starts before primary teeth begin to emerge from the gums. Tooth decay can start as soon as primary teeth are present. Juices and food residues left on these tiny teeth can damage enamel. The fact that the teeth are new and haven’t had exposure for long makes no difference. Parents should be aware that the health of primary teeth has an impact on permanent teeth. Tooth decay can extend under the gum line and harm the teeth under it. Premature loss of primary teeth can lead to the improper spacing of permanent teeth. The months prior to teeth growing in, the gums and mouth should be wiped with a damp cloth or gauze. The first set of teeth should be gently brushed with a child’s toothbrush.

Teens are more independent than younger children and may not follow the advice of parents as well. The lives of adolescent children are busy with their studies, sports, and social activities. Attentive personal care for oral health could be put on the back burner. This is the stage in youth when cavities are most likely to develop. Many teens are very self-conscious about their appearance. Parents can remind their teens of the effects of poor oral care. Helping them keep in mind that bad oral hygiene can lead to bad breath, discolored teeth, and cavities may motivate them to make changes if necessary. Teens need routine exams and limits on sugary foods to ensure the development of the gums and teeth goes well.

As the teeth have been exposed to food and factors that cause weakened enamel in adults, a Preventative Dental Care regimen tailored to the maturing teeth of adults should be put in place by dentists. Preventative measures should be taken to prevent gum disease and thinning tooth enamel. Fluoride treatment should not be given up after childhood. In time, the gums recede to some degree, which can expose parts of the teeth that are supposed to be protected by soft tissue. Receding gums can cause hypersensitivity to cold and hot drinks and foods. Dentists render treatment plans to prevent the loss of gum tissue. Contact us to start an oral care plan.

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