FAQs Presented To A Wrongful Death Lawyer In Winnebago County, IL

by | Oct 26, 2017 | Lawyers

In Illinois, a wrongful death is defined by an act of negligence, criminal offenses, and direct or indirect failures to provide a duty to the victim. In these proceedings, it is necessary for the family seeking compensation to offer evidence of these allegations. A Wrongful Death Lawyer in Winnebago County IL could answer common questions that families have about these claims.

How Does 740 ILCS 180 Work?

Under the Wrongful Death Act of Illinois, spouses or other surviving family members can seek legal action for a wrongful death that left them without financial support. In these proceedings, it is imperative for the claimant shows that the defendant was responsible for the victim’s death, and they must show how this fatality impacted their ability to support themselves. The claimant can also seek awards for other losses such as funeral expenses, medical costs, and property damage that resulted from the defendant’s action.

What Conditions Could Apply in a Wrongful Death Case Linked to Medical Malpractice?

According to the law, the doctor must disclose all risks of surgical procedures to the patient or their family when the patient is unconscious. A fatality that occurred due to risks identified by the doctor and disclosed to the patient or their family does not present a viable legal claim for wrongful death. In these instances, the death must have been caused by a failure and/or risk for which information wasn’t provided by the doctor.

Is It Necessary to Prove that a Drunk Driver was Operating the Vehicle that Caused a Fatal Accident?

In some cases, it is plausible for a drunk driver and a passenger to change places after an accident to avoid criminal penalties. However, to prove that the intoxicated driving was operating the vehicle and caused the fatality, the claimant would have to acquire evidence from eyewitnesses who saw the parties change places. Any injuries sustained by these parties could also dismiss allegations that the sober passenger was in control of the vehicle, and evidence can be acquired by an attorney to disprove these statements.

In Illinois, wrongful death is a fatality that could have been avoided through a different course of action. These cases could leave families without financial support or orphan minor children. Families that need to discuss these cases with a Wrongful Death Lawyer in Winnebago County IL can Browse Thecrosbylawfirm.com now.

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