Different Options for Hearing Aids in Baltimore

by | Feb 26, 2014 | Healthcare

If you have been having difficulties hearing, it can be extremely frustrating to continually ask others to repeat themselves or if you simply acknowledge that you have heard something, but actually didn’t. Loss of hearing is extremely common, especially in those who are elderly or have worked in an industry that was damaging to their hearing. Hearing Aids in Baltimore could be the answer for young and old alike to re-join the land of the hearing. The first step to finding out the extent of your hearing loss is to have a hearing test done by the Hearing Specialty Group. If it is determined that you need a hearing aid, there are several types of Hearing Aids in Baltimore to choose from. Hearing aids range in style, size, performance and price, but your doctor will be able to recommend the best style for your needs.

Hearing aids are a device made to have a snug fit inside of your ear canal. This type of hearing aid is designed to be the least noticeable type. Some of the in canal hearing aids are made to go completely inside your ear canal, while some may slightly protrude. This type of hearing aid can be custom molded so it fits your ear and this style is the least likely style to pick up environmental sounds, such as wind that can interfere with the quality of sound. This type of hearing aid is typically recommended if your hearing loss is mild to moderate. Behind the ear hearing aids are the style most people are accustomed to seeing. This type of hearing aid is typically recommended for those with severe hearing loss, because they provide the best amplification of sound. They are available in different sizes and can be worn by those who have difficulty with sound levels that are high frequency. A full shell hearing aid is also a common style. This type fits directly behind your ear, allows you to control the volume and it is the easiest type to handle and insert in the ear. The best way to choose which hearing aid is best suited for you is to talk with a hearing specialist.

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