Automobile Accident Lawyers in Live Oak, FL Help with Non-Quantifiable Compensation

by | May 8, 2017 | Accident Lawyer

Quantifiable compensation is what an insurance company is more likely to offer in a settlement. This includes medical bills, the person’s lost wages, vehicle repair or replacement costs, and other expenses the person can prove with a physical bill. However, the person may also be entitled to non-quantifiable damages the insurance company won’t be willing to offer them. In these instances, it’s a good idea to speak with automobile accident lawyers in Live Oak, FL before accepting a settlement.

  • Loss of Enjoyment of Life – If the person is permanently injured due to the accident, they may no longer be able to do some of the things they enjoyed. This could mean they are entitled to compensation for the inability to continue living their life the way they did in the past. The amount they might receive varies based on how significantly their life has changed.
  • Loss of Partnership – If a passenger in the vehicle was killed in the accident and the passenger was their spouse, they might be entitled to compensation for the loss of partnership. This is meant to acknowledge they lost their partner and to provide some compensation for the loss. As with other non-quantifiable damages, this can vary based on the situation.
  • Mental Anguish – The victim in the accident may develop a fear of driving or riding in a vehicle due to the severity of the accident and of their injuries. In these cases, they might be able to obtain compensation for the mental anguish caused by the accident. This may be more difficult to prove in court, but it is a possibility if they are significantly impacted by the accident.

If you’ve been injured in a serious car accident, make sure you contact one of the automobile accident lawyers in Live Oak, FL before accepting a settlement offer from the at-fault driver’s insurance company. Accepting the settlement will likely mean you cannot obtain further compensation if there are any non-quantifiable damages you might be eligible for. A lawyer can help you determine if you are entitled to non-quantifiable damages, what they might be, and how much you might be able to receive. Visit today to learn more.

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